coaches HOA registration
To register with HOA click the link below and follow instructions to sign-up or renew your current membership.
Read through each screen and check or uncheck the appropriate selections. You will have to know your username & password. If you don't remember call HOA at 913-233-0445 and they will help you figure it out. Once you are a member print your membership card and bring it to practice on Sunday. Please select Static VB Club as your club so I can see you and add you to a team.
If you need assistance contact Alicia
Read through each screen and check or uncheck the appropriate selections. You will have to know your username & password. If you don't remember call HOA at 913-233-0445 and they will help you figure it out. Once you are a member print your membership card and bring it to practice on Sunday. Please select Static VB Club as your club so I can see you and add you to a team.
If you need assistance contact Alicia
Coaches Clinics
These are for all Junior Coaches and must be completed by December 1st
After your membership registration you will need to register and complete your training clinics. Here are the clinics you need to complete
First Year Coaches:
After your membership registration you will need to register and complete your training clinics. Here are the clinics you need to complete
First Year Coaches:
- IMPACT Training 2018-19 IMPACT On-Demand under USAV Clinics\USAV Coaching Clinics
- Safe Sport Core Center for SafeSport Training under USAV Clinics\USAV Coaching Clinics
- Referee/Score Clinics HA19_201 2018-19 FULL JR Coaches Officiating under Region Clinics\Region Ref/Score Clinics
Coaches Corner
I have tried to put resources in logical areas. Stats & Documents have all the stat sheets you need for practices & tournaments. The Training Resources page has helpful videos/examples for fundamentals & technique training. I have renamed the Drills page to Games as I want you to plan game-like activities in practice where you work on "insert skill here" with this type of scoring "the rules" till the game is over "what ends the game" Keep game names short & creative.
Practice plans all need to be done with Google Docs. Put your practice plans together and share them by Friday of each week to [email protected] Especially for the younger teams create activities that are high contact, lots of reps.